Privacy Policy

We at SOLO INDIA store and access information online and offline for our own sole purpose only, but during the time of tournament and events such information needs to be share with the officials by using our website and signing with us you agree to do the same, and process personal data (such as unique identifiers and other device data) for personalized info about us on occasions

Terms and conditions of the academy

Dress Code: All players are required to wear appropriate attire such as polo shirts, slacks, and clean shoes. Etiquette: All players must respect the game and the equipment. Players who cause damage to the tables, cues or other equipment may be charged for repairs.
Conduct: Any abusive, threatening, or inappropriate behavior towards other players, staff, or equipment will not be tolerated. The management reserves the right to remove any player from the premises without refund.
Safety: All players are required to follow the safety rules of the academy, such as not running in the playing area and handling the cues with care. Any accidents must be reported to the staff immediately.
Coaching: The academy may provide coaching services by certified coaches, subject to availability. Private coaching sessions must be arranged in advance and may be subject to additional fees.
Tournaments: The academy may organize tournaments for players, subject to availability and interest. Tournament rules and fees will be announced in advance.
Membership: The academy may offer membership packages for frequent players, subject to availability and fees. Membership benefits may include discounts on sessions, coaching, and tournaments.
Amendments: The academy reserves the right to modify these rules and regulations at any time, with prior notice to the players.

Refund Policy

• Membership has a zero return policy.
• Membership can be transferred.
• Membership can be extended to next month.
• Membership needs to be utilized in the same month as well.
• Membership can be upgraded within the month duration but it can’t be changed into lower membership plan.